There will be 10 new professions in the meta universe era. Are there any that you are interested in?

publish:2022-11-24 15:22:43   views :351
publish:2022-11-24 15:22:43  

Just like the Internet age 30 years ago, the infinite possibilities of the meta universe era will create more new job opportunities. Although the complete vision of the meta universe is still difficult to define and fails to reach the epic scene like the science fiction film, it will fundamentally change the way we interact with the digital and virtual world. What kind of work do you plan to do in the future when you are constrained by the development of the times? This article comes from compilation and hopes to enlighten you.

Remember 2016, when "Pokemon GO" swept the world? At that time, many people believed that our era was in the wind of the augmented reality revolution. However, as we know, this has not become a reality.

Turning the clock back to today, we have come to a similar node - the technology giant company led by Facebook "Now Meta" has vigorously supported the concept of "Metaverse - Metauniverse", aiming to create a fully immersive digital world in which all people live.

The following investment behavior of the capital market seems to have created a self fulfilling prophecy myth: whether you are happy to see it or not, human beings are likely to quickly create a real "meta universe", because our "technological supernatural" hopes so.

First, let's quickly clarify some important concepts.

Virtual Reality (VR): a completely immersive virtual environment.

Augmented Reality (AR): A virtual image superimposed on the real world environment.

Mixed Reality (MR): Virtual environment and real world are combined and interacted.

Extended Reality (XR)/Metauniverse: a combination of all the above elements.

So, what kind of employment opportunities will the arrival of the meta cosmic era bring?

#01: Metacosmic Scientist

Now, researchers in the AR and VR industries can be seen everywhere in the laboratories of the world's top universities and top science and technology companies. As the meta universe (or you can call it the seamless interweaving of the physical world and the digital world) gradually becomes a widely accepted concept, we will need more scientific research efforts to invest in relevant research.

The work of meta universe research experts is not only to develop some basic digital models based on the real world, but also to let enterprises use these models to bring more customers and partners - this profession already exists - and the future will be broader.

Metacosmic research experts need to build something similar to the "basic theory", that is, to build a basic theoretical framework of mathematics and physics for the entire "digital world" (a little like the "Ready Player One" without gameplay). This framework system will be the basis for all other things in the meta universe: from games to advertising, from factory quality control to Internet medicine, DeFi (decentralized finance), etc.

This is an extremely complex undertaking. Future researchers will use the fusion technology of computer vision algorithms to build and scale prototypes for 3D computational photography, neural rendering, scene reconstruction, computational imaging, visual inertial odometer, state evaluation, sensor fusion, mapping and positioning... These needs will become stronger as time goes by.

To become an expert in meta cosmic research, you need to obtain a doctor's degree in deep learning, computer vision, computer graphics or computational imaging, and you also need to be proficient in programming languages. Good luck.

#02: Metacosmic Planner

The idea of flying wild does not require any cost, but the down-to-earth implementation has a very high cost. Once we create a viable meta universe, for most companies, the ability to plan and implement various functions in a fully virtual world will become the key to success in the future.

In the changing digital era, how to make the right choice and step on the most suitable track?

This is where the meta cosmic planners play a role. CEOs set long-term strategies for business innovation and revenue growth in the meta universe era, while planners need to implement each step from concept validation, pilot to comprehensive deployment. This means that they need to identify market opportunities, build business cases, improve the project roadmap, and develop key indicators

These descriptions may seem unattractive, but how do you decide whether an automobile company should focus on creating virtual driving tests or implement digital dual services to predict failures? I don't know, but I believe the meta cosmic planner can give the best answer.

To become a meta universe planner, you need to have years of management experience, understand the HW/SW/SaaS/PaaS marketing business model, and most importantly, have good entrepreneurial thinking.

#03: Metacosmic ecosystem developers

The metauniverse will not be born naturally according to Zuckerberg's personal will. We need to build a complete ecosystem around it: sensors, CPUs, GPUs, KYC processes, data lakes, green power production, edge computing, laws, regulations... The world is complex, and further digitization is not easy.

In order to better understand the degree of difficulty, we might as well compare it with the difficulties faced by the current automobile industry in the transition to electric vehicles. Although electric vehicle products have already existed, the biggest obstacle to their wide promotion is the lack of charging facilities on urban streets and roads, and the capacity of on-board batteries is quite limited. Similarly, we can create the hardware and software facilities needed for the meta universe, but we still lack all other supporting systems.

In this context, the developers of the meta universe ecosystem came into being: they will be responsible for coordinating and docking various resources of the company and the government, and promoting the government's investment in infrastructure to ensure that various functions can be realized on a large scale.

The key issue they need to focus on is operability and interactivity, so as to ensure that the users of the metauniverse can call their various devices and devices in different scenes - after all, what's the point if they can only get beautiful skin in the game, but can't wear it when shopping?

They also need to lobby major financial institutions to support distributed ledger technology and smart contracts so that people can exchange goods and services in the universe.

To become a developer of the meta universe ecosystem, you need to have years of experience in politics or lobbying, and have a keen and unique understanding of the emerging XR industry.

#04: Safety Manager of the Yuan Universe

The network is not safe for us, and anyone who claims that this problem will be solved in the meta universe is deceiving himself. Admittedly, we have many ways to make it a safe and inclusive place, but we need to put our efforts into it.

First of all, the most important is privacy: authentication, security headsets, sensors... We need someone to provide guidance and supervision during the design, verification and mass production of these devices to ensure that our digital world is secure enough to at least meet applicable regulatory security requirements, and will not sacrifice the most advanced functions or designs. This is why we need the existence of a meta cosmic security manager.

This is not an easy job. They need to accurately predict how various functions in the meta universe should be used correctly, prevent misuse and abuse, and identify the key components, systems and manufacturing steps associated with them. In such a new digital world, the complexity of various mechanisms and the number of mobile components are enough to make me dizzy at the thought of it.

To become a meta cosmic security manager, you need an engineering degree and experience in electronics manufacturing or consumption.

#05: Metacosmic Hardware Engineer

The universe should not be built on code alone, but also on sensors, cameras and earphones - when someone "squeezes" your arm in the universe, these sensors will make you feel touched; The camera can observe whether you are depressed, so that AI will not disturb you too much; The headset can detect that you are in a sunny environment, and project the summer scene in the meta universe, increasing the sense of reality.

This does not involve anything more complex, such as inertial measurement units, visual cameras, help tracking, mapping and positioning depth cameras

Creating a digital world interwoven with the real world requires various expensive and complex hardware. The hardware engineers of the Metauniverse need to assemble it and debug this complex and huge hardware system.

At present, the best sensors are created for industrial operation and automobile industry, which are capital intensive industries. Therefore, as an additional challenge, whoever wants to engage in the manufacturing of meta universe hardware needs to ensure that they are safe and cheap enough to ensure that the meta universe will not become the exclusive world of the rich.

To become a Metacosmic hardware engineer, you need to have a factory that can manufacture complex electronic products.

#06: Storyteller of the Metauniverse

With the continuous development of experience economy and game concept, people's requirements for expanding real experience are also rising: we hope to experience the stories in the digital world more deeply and immersively, and gain something.

We not only want to experience the various forms of life, ups and downs, but also hope to have a unique experience - and the narrator of the meta universe story will also appear.

They design immersive stories for users; Conduct military training for soldiers; Find new marketing opportunities for the company; Developing psychological decompression games such as "kill the devil" for people... There are countless examples.

They won't get paid handsomely unless you see exposure as income in some sense. But at least they can spread their own narrative to millions of people and help the audience escape the monotonous daily life - isn't this the life of dreams?

To become a meta universe storyteller, you need to major in literature and minor in marketing. It is better to start your career in a game company and turn to a technical post.

#07: Constructor of the Metacosmic World

After building the infrastructure and hardware equipment of the meta universe, we still need to create this world from scratch - I don't mean coding, but imagination.

The constructors of the meta universe world need to have the necessary skills of many video game designers. Although the two professions operate in completely different rules, the former needs to be forward-looking and oriented, because many things that the constructors of the meta universe world need to create have not yet existed in the form of reality or solutions.

They also need to think about rules and ethics - when the digital world makes people feel very real, can people kill others in it? Can we start a war?

Discussions on these issues have just begun.

To become a builder of the meta universe, you need to have the courage to be a soldier and the talent to be a graphic designer. Liking to play Minecraft will be a bonus.

#08: Yuanuniverse Advertising Interception Expert

You may want to ask, how does Facebook - no, Meta - make money? Collect subscription fees by selling various fake news that are full of the platform? By harvesting and selling human organs? By accepting the benefits of Wall Street? Of course not. Meta's profits mainly come from advertising.

In fact, the meta universe may also operate in a very, very similar way.

Do you think the ads on Instagram are too targeted and violate your privacy? The meta universe will surprise you: advertisers and media can make full use of big data to follow you to the ends of the meta universe.

Imagine that you are walking in a virtual space, and you are hungry in the real world, so you unconsciously look at the cafes and restaurants on both sides of the road. A minute later, advertisements for various foods begin to pour into your vision.

This sounds interesting, but in the long run, it is an invasion of users' personal privacy. Therefore, once people are tired of this novel experience, they will hope that the means of advertisement interception is advanced enough to find advertisements embedded in virtual reality. This is where advertising interception experts play a role.

This is a bit like the AdBlock Plus model. They will develop plug-ins that can prevent ads from popping up. Although they can't get much compensation, they may be able to earn a living by collecting donations and obtaining massive data.

To become an expert in meta universe advertisement interception, you need to master some basic coding knowledge and have access to the source code of meta universe.

#09: Cyberspace security expert

The universe is the perfect target for network attacks and fraud: virtual images that have been invaded, theft of non functional tests, leaked user biological/physiological data, and hacked wearables... There are countless possibilities for errors.

That's why we need cyber security experts in the meta universe. They are responsible for intercepting malicious attacks in real time and ensuring that the laws and protection agreements of the Metauniverse come into force.

I don't know much about network security, so I want to leave an open end to this introduction: it is only a matter of time before cyber attacks in the virtual world appear in court in the real world.

To become a cyber security expert in the meta universe, you need to have a background in cyber security or a law degree with a technical orientation.

#10: Unpaid intern

I know that mentioning unpaid interns here is a bit like trying to scrape together the numbers, but please listen to me. Although this profession already exists, it should be emphasized that it will continue to glow in the meta universe in the future.

The unpaid interns of Yuanuniverse do not just punch cards and drink coffee. They have too many things to do: carefully study the data; Write code for each rock and tree; They are the necessary basis for the establishment of this new technological empire.

We should pay tribute to their unpaid dedication - and we should pay them a certain amount of money.

Although the setting of the universe is grand and exciting, as the old saying goes, Rome was not built in a day. The meta universe needs a large number of new technologies and protocols, and countless people need to contribute their brains and burn their enthusiasm.

If you are lucky enough to get one of the jobs in the near future, you just need to remember one thing: the meta universe is not as beautiful as you think. But please do not bring the darkness of the real world into this cyber world.

Good luck!

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