Credit Suisse Asia Pacific took the lead in resuming offline interviews. How can it win the Super Day in New York?

publish:2022-11-24 15:24:26   views :399
publish:2022-11-24 15:24:26  

Recently, Credit Suisse, in a whirlwind of public opinion, released a notice on the final Super Day of 2023 summer internship for investment banking departments in the Asia Pacific region. rx1.pngrx2.png

Credit Suisse's Super Day is expected to start in the middle and late August. It seems like an ordinary interview, but this is actually the first offline Super Day since the outbreak of the epidemic, and interviewers from the Asia Pacific region will fly to New York for Super Day.

In addition to offline interview, Credit Suisse also asked the applicant about the timeline of Super Day of the other eight major investment banks in the email, presumably to compete for the most suitable candidate at the most appropriate time. I just don't know whether these measures can help Credit Suisse win the hearts of some candidates in this job search season.

Credit Suisse Asia Pacific leads the offline final return

Super Day can also be called Super "Interview" Day, because although this Day is the end of the Interview, it actually involves multiple rounds of interviews.

Super Day refers to the investment banking end completed within a day. Generally, the final interview of an investment bank is two to four rounds of 30 minute interviews. Each round of interview is conducted one-to-one with at least one associate level banker (usually VP and MD) (Hong Kong Citi adopts the group interview form).

Before the epidemic, the Super Day of major investment banks had always been conducted offline, and it was also customary for other regions to fly to the headquarters in New York. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, several rounds of interviews, including Super Day, have been changed to online. However, many interviewees have doubts - can online interview really show a person's real level?


As the subject said, many interviewees worry that online interview will lose the "connection" between people in reality, and the uncertain interview environment will also have an impact on the interview results - you can't control your neighbor's dog.

In fact, everyone's concern is not unreasonable, because the interview of the investment bank attaches great importance to the match between the candidate's overall thinking mode and behavior style and the company, and the interviewer's impression score is also very important. Under such circumstances, offline interview is more conducive to giving full play to all levels.

The interviewers of Credit Suisse in North America are generally very gentle, and they prefer behavior. They like to ask about your hobbies and interests to see if you are a very rich and interesting person outside of work.

In the behavioral interview, there is a question that cannot be avoided, that is, the platitude "Why Company". Not only that, Credit Suisse in North America particularly emphasizes "why apply for Credit Suisse" to check your understanding of the differences between Credit Suisse and other investment banks. Credit Suisse was the first to invite applicants to New York for an offline Super Day interview, which seems to indicate that investment banks do not like the experience of virtual interview.

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