Job hunting in big Internet factories, Internship promotion in big Silicon Valley factories @ Despite layoffs, recruitment activities for science and technology workers are still increasing

publish:2022-11-24 15:25:36   views :482
publish:2022-11-24 15:25:36  

Although reports of layoffs in technology companies continue, the number of technology employees recruited continues to rise, which once again confirms the important role of technology in driving the economy.kj.pngkjqz.png

Reading the headlines about layoffs in technology companies in the past few months, you will think that all these are bad luck and haze in employee recruitment, which can be forgiven.

However, the latest data shows that the recruitment of American science and technology workers is still on the upward track in science and technology companies and all industries.

In the past few months, as the economic situation continues to tighten, inflationary pressure increases and the economic recession intensifies, the number of technology companies that announced layoffs and suspended recruitment surged.

According to the mid year survey of senior executives conducted by the Conference Board, more than 60% of the world's CEOs said that they expected their main business areas to decline by the end of 2023 or earlier, while 15% of the CEOs said that their local executives had fallen into recession.

Google, Meta, Nvidia and Snap all announced plans to slow down recruitment. Meta said it would cut the number of engineers recruited by at least 30% this year; At the same time, more and more technology companies are cutting jobs.

Klarna announced 10% layoffs (more than 700 employees); Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, is laying off 1100 employees and canceling some job opportunities; Tesla is cutting its workforce by 3.5%.

Microsoft is the latest company to cut jobs. It announced that it will cut 18000 employees next year, including 12500 employees in its sales, marketing and engineering departments. Chief Executive Satya Nadella said that this is part of the effort to "simplify" the company and make it more agile.

Like Microsoft, many technology companies take market conditions as the reason and point out that they should streamline, be cautious and cut costs in the face of the imminent economic recession.


June was the 19th consecutive month of employment growth in the technology industry

However, despite the layoffs and suspension of recruitment in many companies, the recruitment of technology employees is still increasing, which once again confirms the important role of technology in driving the economy.

According to the analysis of CompTIA, as the technology company added 20300 net new employees in June, marking the employment growth in the technology industry of 19 thousand for a month in a row, the first half of 2022 will be 59% ahead of the same period last year.

Although companies in all walks of life have added 160000 core skilled workers, the total number of employers' posts released for new technology recruitment last month was 505663, an increase of 62% over June 2021.

"The stronger than expected employment growth again confirms the key role of technology in every sector and every enterprise in the country," said Tim Herbert, chief research officer of CompTIA. "It also highlights the limitations of projecting company specific recruitment practices to the broader skilled workforce.


Recruitment activities in the financial and insurance industries are hot, while the demand for software engineers is the largest

Employers' recruitment intentions are strong in many industries, with professional, scientific and technical services, finance and insurance, manufacturing, information, retail trade, health care and social assistance, and public administration as the first.

The positions of software developers and engineers rank first in the list of most needed positions, followed by IT support experts, IT project managers, network security professionals, and network engineers and architects.

The new recruitment of IT services and customized software development career categories boosted the employment growth of the technology industry in June. Employment in the other four occupational categories also increased - data processing, hosting and related services (+3700), other information services, including search engines (+3600), computer and electronic product manufacturing (+2300) and telecommunications (+700).

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