The red and black list of graduates' salaries is exposed, and the gap between Top 30 universities is too big

publish:2022-11-24 15:30:34   views :507
publish:2022-11-24 15:30:34  

2022 UK University Graduates' Income Ranking

British job search website Adzuna studies the average income of British college graduates five years after graduation and ranks these universities by analyzing more than 120000 resumes from 2019 to 2022.


First look at the black list: 5 universities with the lowest income of British graduatesyg2.png

The lowest income of graduates is Aberystwyth University. Ranked 651 in 2023 QS World University. The motto of Abel University

In contrast, the Liverpool John Moores University in this list won the university qualification in 1992.

About this part, we just need to expand more. Because it would be impolite to go on.

Wash your eyes! Red List: 20 universities with the highest income of British graduatesyg3.png

Would this surprise everyone? In terms of popularity, Niujian is yyds, and famous alumni from Niujian are also masters in various fields

L Hawking is the most famous alumnus of Oxford.

L Li Ka shing, the richest man in Hong Kong, received an honorary doctorate of law from Cambridge University, and Shuo Sen once received a double first class honorary degree from Cambridge University.

But after graduation, those with the highest income were obtained by the Bayes Business School.

Science popularization is arranged.

Bayesian Business School, which was renamed last year

Bayesian Business School, formerly known as

In 2021, City College of London announced that its business school was officially named as the Bayes Business School. As for the reason for the name change, the word Kas is related to racial discrimination. The specific reasons are not expanded.yg4.png

As one of the five schools of City College of London University, Bayes Business School (formerly Cass Business School) has been ranked among the top business schools for many years.

L The Financial Times ranked 5th in the UK and 22nd in the world in the 2022 World Business School Master of Finance ranking.

L It is one of the few colleges in the world that has obtained the triple certification of AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB.

L Named one of the three UK business schools by the Guardian

L Share educational resources with LBS of London Business School, which ranks first in British Business School

The top majors of Bayesian Business School are finance, actuarial science, shipping, energy and real estate.

The geographical position of Bayesian Business School is very superior, and it is located in the center of the City of London.

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