New York California Financial Job Platform: 131 Top Bank Interview Questions and How to Answer Them (Part 1)

publish:2022-11-24 16:36:42   views :611
publish:2022-11-24 16:36:42  

There is no doubt that you have seen the headlines about how banks pay higher primary and primary wages than at any time since the global financial crisis. If you want to find a new job in the banking industry, or want to enter the industry, please remember that it is still one of the most competitive industries.

In terms of recruitment, banks are notoriously picky. The application process is also notoriously complex: you can expect digital interviews, psychological testing games, personal interviews and "super days"/evaluation centers. In the process, you will be asked about your motivation, skills and "fit" (personality). At every stage of the process, you may be stung.

So, how do you prepare?

Now we have a very comprehensive list of bank interview questions. They come from JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, UBS and.

Most of the issues listed are entry-level. Obviously, the higher your qualifications and specificity, the more specific the questions you are asked, and the harder the interviewer will work to determine that you can really "add value" to the role you are interviewing. For a junior job, I hope to be asked about your financial knowledge and interest in the industry. However, even if you are interviewing graduates for analyst positions in the investment banking sector, you also need to know how to answer the following technical questions. If you are interviewing for sales and trading positions, you need to be able to answer all the questions in the market list. For all roles, you should be asked about morality, "cultural fit", and why you want to play this role in this bank rather than other banks.

If you can answer all the questions below, you will have a chance.

"Why Banking"

As we all know, banking is a hard job. So if you're an entry-level candidate, recruiters will want to make sure you know what you're doing. When you answer the question "Why choose banking business", you need to be original and targeted. "Avoid generic explanations," said the merger and religious tribunal. It is helpful to refer to the bankers you have talked to (especially if they work for the company you are interviewing) and how much they have inspired you. Talk about your enthusiasm for this industry. For example, explain why you think banking is more valuable than consulting.

When you interview for a M&A position, you need to prove your "super loyalty". Derek Walker said that he is an independent career consultant, once served as the campus recruitment director of Barclays Bank, and is also the staffing of Merrill Lynch Investment Bank (before the merger with Bank of America). "Corporate finance interviews don't want to hear you see their role as a means to do other things," Walker added. "If you enter the field of enterprise financing, you will have to work very, very hard. If you are not absolutely enthusiastic about it, you will not be willing to work for a long time.

1. I can see that you are very entrepreneurial, but you want to work in a bank. Why?

2. What attracted you to engage in banking?

3. What kind of lifestyle do you expect in the banking industry?

4. Why choose banking instead of consulting?

5. Do you know why you let yourself in?

6. If you are not engaged in the financial industry, what will you do?

7. Do you know the lifestyle of investment banks? Why don't you have a problem?

"Why choose this bank"

Don't just ruminate on easy to find information in the public domain. Be sure to conduct in-depth research - the recruitment consultant suggests talking to existing employees so that you can use specific information about working for the company. Here we provide a list of other sources of information.

"Unfortunately, people don't always bother to do the most basic research on companies," said the recruitment director of an international bank. "What is really needed here is to explain why you think the bank you are applying for is different and better than other banks. He said, you need to study each bank you are interviewing. Your answer needs to be specific: you need to find something that makes the bank stand out and go with it. For example, in Nomura You may say that you want to work for a bank with strong Asian connections, so that you can have access to the Asian market.

8. What is the most important transaction completed by our bank in the past 12 months?

9. What is our current share price?

10. What do you think is the biggest regulatory threat to this bank?

11. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of this business/department?

12. What is the difference between our company?

Who are our main competitors? How do we measure it? What risks and opportunities do we face?

14. Tell me what you know about our business model.

15. Which area of our business is the strongest?

16. Who is our CEO?

17. What is the most important thing that affects this bank now?

18. What is our climate policy?纽约加州金融求职平台:131个顶级银行面试问题以及如何回答它们(上)

The question continues below

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