US # Chinese students seeking jobs: 131 top bank interview questions and how to answer them (middle)

publish:2022-11-24 16:35:32   views :659
publish:2022-11-24 16:35:32  

"Why do you do this job?"

Here, you don't need to focus on why you want the problematic work, but on what you can bring to it. Specifically, what have you done in the past that suits you to perform well in this job in the future? Having said that, you need to understand the requirements of the work in detail so that you can make appropriate responses.

19. What do you think is required for this position, and to what extent do you meet these requirements?

20. Why do we hire you?

21. What do you think this job requires?

22. I just interviewed a Harvard person with a GPA of 4.0 who had interned in a top bank and a top MF before. He is also a captain of the school team. Why should I hire you instead of him?

brain twists

The answer to the brain teaser question is about methods and attitudes. Mark Hatz, a former partner of Goldman Sachs and Perella Weinberg, said that he now provides suggestions for preparing for the investment bank interview. The bank wants to hear your thinking process and see that you have enough flexibility to try solutions. This is particularly true of question 20, which has no definitive answer.

23. How many pigs are there in China?

24. The snail climbed a 10 foot pole. It climbs three feet a day and sleeps at night. When sleeping, it slips off one foot. When does it reach the top?

You might think that the snail climbs two feet of net every day, so it reaches the top of the 10 foot pole at the end of five days. This is wrong. On the fifth morning, the snail slipped from the nine foot mark overnight and started at eight feet. On the fifth day, it reached the top of two-thirds of the pole and then stopped because there was nowhere to go.

25. There are 8 red socks and 11 blue socks in the drawer. They are the same, but for color. You must choose socks in the dark. At least how many socks must you take out from the sock drawer before you have matching socks?

The answer is three. Two socks can be different, but the third sock must always match one of the first two socks.

26. The size of the lily board doubles every minute, and it takes an hour for the lily pad to cover the whole pond. How long did it take the water lily pad to cover only a quarter of the pond?

The answer is 58 minutes.

27. How do you find the heaviest ball among the eight balls with the least weight?

The answer is two weights. Click here to view the method.

28. We have a glass of water, half of which you have drunk. I drank the rest. Then you drank half of it. This process continues until the water disappears. How much more water do you drink than I do?

29. The swimming pool has two pipes. One fills the pool in four hours, and the other fills the pool in six hours. The outlet pipe empties the swimming pool within five hours. The outlet pipe opened unexpectedly. How many hours does the swimming pool fill up?

30. What is the potential market size of the coffee shop in this building?

31. "There are three identical bulbs in a room without windows. Each switch is connected to one of the three switches outside the room. Each bulb has been turned off. You are outside the room, and the door of the room is closed. You have a chance to flip any external switch. When you flip one, you can enter the room to see the light, but you cannot touch the switch again. How do you know which switch leads to which light?

32. If you want to make the most money, will you have a laundromat or a parking lot? Including qualitative and quantitative

Market knowledge issues

Current market knowledge cannot be normative - by definition, it is constantly changing. Make sure you understand the current key market indicators and have opinions on market trends and a series of investment ideas.

33. What is a credit default swap?

34. What is the yield of bonds?

35. What is the difference between bond yield and bond spread

36. Why buy stock X instead of bond Y?

37. What is the duration? Is a shorter duration better than a longer duration? Why, or why not?

38. What are the main factors determining the trend of US short-term bond yields?

39. Sell me stocks.

40. What is the forward rate?

41. What is convexity?

42. As of the opening bell today, what is the Dow Jones Industrial Average/FTSE?

43. As of this morning, what is the Bank of England benchmark rate/federal funds rate?

44. What is the difference between proprietary trading and market making? (We explained this here.).

45. Why do you invest in Facebook or not?

46. How will Biden's policies affect the stock market and M&A environment?

47. Where are the yields of 1-year, 5-year and 10-year government bonds?

48. Will you invest in British real estate now?

49. What do you think will happen to the interest rate in the next six months?

50. What is the market performance? Why? What do you think it will do in the next 12 months?

51. Tell me some stocks you are interested in. Why do I buy them? What is their story?

52. What is the yield curve? How does the flattening of the yield curve affect the economic outlook?

53. What is the current yield curve?

54. What are the main factors driving M&A? What are the main factors driving M&A in your industry? How do you think of their development next year?

55. Where is the market (bonds/stocks/foreign exchange)

56. Why is inflation important and how do you hedge it?

57. Where do you think the euro will go in 2022?

58. Where do you think the global economy will go?

59. What happened to the oil market? How will this affect other markets?

60. What will happen when the Federal Reserve really starts to raise interest rates?

61. I have been in a coma for nine months and have just woken up. Tell me what is happening in the global economy.

62. The European Central Bank stopped quantitative easing. What will happen to the stock, interest rate and credit markets and why?

63. Is QE related to oil prices? how?

64. What is Sofr?

65. What is the federal funds rate?

66. What is your understanding of the term "fixed income replacement"? (For Alternative Investment Managers)

Please refer to the next chapter for core issues

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